Testimonials from our Customers


Very impressed! Shearing and grinding just got a whole lot easier.

Ryan Millar

Fantastic to use and the gear goes great. Definitely a pendulum you should have on your grinder.

Darren Smith

Can’t express how satisfied I am with this product it has taken a lot of the guessing game out of the grinding to get a smoother more crispy cut just goes to show how big of a role the hollow is

Boogie Ferguson

Hey bro these pendulums are awesome!  I ground a few cutters and couple combs with them and put them on today and immediately noticed the difference in my cut.  Grinding was a lot smoother aswell!  Highly recommend these new pendulums!

Jimmy Samuels from face book

Been grinding with these for a week now!  Hands down best grind with out doubt!  These pendulums are the game changer we’ve all been waiting for!  Doesn’t matter what your using if it’s sharp!

Just think about it 1 flat surface versus 4 independent pressure points?  No comparison really. Just take my word for it they’re bloody it.

Jimmy Samuels from face book Sept 29th

Thanks Shearing World for the new expert Pendulum. I ground up 8 combs and 15 cutters last night and was very happy with the cut i got. Normally i would only get 15 to 20 minutes out of a cutter but with the ones ground with the expert Pendulum I got 35 to 40 minutes, and still could have left it on longer. I used to get 45 minutes to an hour out of a comb but with the combs that are ground on the expert pendulum I got an hour 15 and still could have left it on longer before changing it. This product is a great asset to the shearing industry and I think it is going to benefit a lot of people like it has already helped me.

Adam Webb on Shearing Worlds face book page

Cheers Phil for bringing out these new pendulums to the shearing industry it has made my job a lot easier.I noticed from the first day the difference in my cut and the less tension I now use on my handpiece.  I am using less gear than previous so I am a very satisfied customer all-round. Cheers again.

Andrew Metcalfe from face book

Just brought two of the expert shearing pendulums best $400 I have invested in the cut is way better use less gear can’t say enough about them 

Leigh Box from face book